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Irish National Mileage Register

The Irish National Mileage Register (INMR) is Ireland's largest publicly available database of car mileage readings with over 20 million readings recorded. The database was established for the Motor Trade and wider Automotive Industry in Ireland to help combat the illegal practice of car clocking in Ireland.


The database acts as a single central source containing mileage readings for motor vehicles contributed by members of the Motor Trade and wider Automotive Industry that can be queried to establish a pattern when checking the history of a used car.


The accessibility of Mileage Reading data within the Irish market has always been an important issue for prospective car buyers. With the advent of the change in legislation which finally made the practice of clocking a criminal offence and the crack down on clocking by the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission it has never been more important for upstanding members of the Motor Trade to ensure they have contributed their readings to a reliable source and checked every vehicle traded-in with that source.


Members of the Motor Trade and of the wider Automotive Industry can contribute their mileage data to the INMR. The database is maintained by MotorCheck so all readings collected may be checked by the Trade via the MotorCheck Trade system or by members of the public who perform a car history check on the MotorCheck public website.


MotorCheck also provide a robust support and backup service whereby any mileage readings may be investigated, verified and if necessary updated or deleted from the database.


For more information or to find out how you can contribute your data to the INMR please contact us.​

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